Becky Grismer

Becky Grismer (b. 1978 Aberdeen, S.D. USA) was born and raised in eastern South Dakota. She received her B.A. in Fine Art from Northern State University, Aberdeen, SD, in 2002. She lived and worked in St. Paul, MN for several years before returning to South Dakota. Becky has exhibited her work in both solo and group shows. Her work has been included in public collections and can be found in private collections throughout the world. She currently resides in Spearfish, SD, working as a sculptor.

Artist Statement
The tree bark figures I create are meant to represent the characteristics shared by trees and humans. The skin of the figure is created with the “skin” of a tree. Being classified into groups, naturally exfoliating our skin/bark, having roots and uprooting ourselves/being uprooted, hosting other living organisms, weeping, having limbs and being susceptible to diseases, are some of the common characteristics I address in the series.
​I construct the sculptures by piecing together tree bark that I have collected from shelter belts and the forest floor. While gathering the materials, I am placed in an environment where I am forced to consider my relationship with the trees, which leads to the ideas in my pieces. I often use materials from specific types of trees with specific characteristics to communicate the various concepts. After a sculpture is complete, I dip it into an acrylic polyurethane for added strength and to preserve the natural materials.